jackass 001 2005.02.16. 12:38
Anonymous |
2004.10.08. 18:18 |
Adam P. |
2004.10.08. 18:11 |
Adam P. vagyok New Jerseybl, 16 ves vagyok, s a karomra van tetovlva az „… and Justice for all” –os logo. Az els fizetsemet erre a tetovlsra kltttem. Egyenesen a Deptfordi tetovlszalonba mentem, kb kt s fl rig tartott megcsinlni, de megrte. A kzeli jvben tervezek mg tbb Metallics tetkt csinltatni… METAL UP YER ASS!!!!
Cads |
2004.10.08. 18:07 |
St. Angeres tetovls Cads (Anglibl) alkarjn.
Angol ismeretlen |
2004.10.08. 15:01 |
Me! (England) Scary guy drawn by James and signed underneath, Lars signature and Rob signature done at Rock Am Ring Germany 8/June/2003. A series of pics of me getting my latest tattoo on the underside of my right arm. This tattoo fits in well with the signatures on the outside of the arm. The tattoo took 2.5 hours to complete and at the time the photos were taken I had just about had enough! The idea came from the design on the front of the amplifiers on the latest tour just with the emphasis on the 'M' and a bit less 'racing strip'
Pete |
2004.10.08. 14:57 |
"Koponyavilg", a ngy lovas, a lngok James gitrjrl s a ninja csillag Pete (Anglia) htn.
Miguel Ramos |
2004.10.08. 14:53 |
Nem kisplys rajong, az egyszer biztos...
Rob |
2004.10.01. 18:57 |
Szia mindenki, a nevem Rob! Long Islanden lek, kb 10 ves korom ta szeretem a Metallict. Most 23 vagyok. szintn mondom, egsz letemben nem lttam nluk kirlyabb bandt. Tbb mint 10-szer voltam koncertjkn. Sosem fogom elfelejteni hogy mennyit jelentenek nekem s most festkkel is bizonytom ezt. A fekete ninja csillagot a 18. szletsnapomra kaptam. Kb 2 vvel ksbb csinltattam a csillag kr a lngokat. Szmomra a msodlagos jelentse, hogy a rgi Metallica ( Jump in the fire, Fight Fire) s az j Metallica ( Load, Reload, stb) egy s ugyanaz. Ennyi v utn mg mindig kurvajl nyomjk. Majdnem egsz letem alatt k voltak az elsszm bandm s megrzm az emlkeket, amiket adtak, s a jvben adni fognak. Keeping Rocking!
Bei Jing |
2004.10.01. 18:53 |
Hello! Egy igazi Metallicarajong vagyok, szmomra k az istenek! Remlem, tetszik majd (a tetovls), kszi!
Tonny Morgan |
2004.10.01. 18:50 |
Hi my name is Tommy and I am a huge Metallica fan. I got the star on my arm about a month before seeing Metallica at summer sanitarium in Washington D.C. in July 2003. I got the scary guy on my leg about 4 hours before seeing Metallica in Norfolk, Virginia on April 26, 2004.
Mark |
2004.10.01. 18:47 |
Got it when I was 18, I am 28 now. I am a huge fan of Metallica, I chose this tattoo after buying the live shit box set, I loved the scary guy logo !!!!
Chris Knight |
2004.10.01. 18:45 |
My tattoo of the Metallica ninja star which I got last November (2003) at some bogus tattoo place in Manchester UK. I've only seen Metallica live once during the St. Anger tour in London and it was awesome. I'll continue long into the future loving there music and if I score some £'s I'll be getting plenty more tats of one of the most awesome bands to date. Rock on Metallica and fans. Chris Knight, 18, Manchester UK
Becky |
2004.10.01. 18:44 |
Hey, I had my tattoo done over a year ago now, when I was 17. I have liked Metallica for years and was determined to get a tattoo. I am glad I did. It is a ninja star in the middle of two snakes off the black album. I am having another one done in a few weeks. I am having the ninja star done larger on the top of my back.
Melissa Harris |
2004.10.01. 18:41 |
My name is Melissa Harris and am 18 years old. Metallica has been my favorite band since I was about 5 years old, my older brother used to listen to them and I would sneak in his room at night because I was afraid of the dark and Metallica would be playing and that's how I first started listening to them. Unfortunately I have never seen them. They are coming here again on Nov 5, and if I can get the money I will go. My friend Rachel, at Atomic Tattoos did the tattoo. She is still in apprentice status but I think she did fine. Melissa, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
Alexandre Bergeron |
2004.10.01. 18:39 |
Hi! I'm the biggest fan of MetallicA.. They are for me my principal reason to live.....And this pic is my first MetallicA tattoo...more to come!!!!!
David Reid |
2004.10.01. 18:37 |
I got it September 27, 2004 at Southern Boys in Houston, TX. It took a little over an hour and my friend customized the design. Money well spent. Thanks for your time...